Los aceites Omnivit, evitan la resequedad del cuero cabelludo, mejoran la elasticidad y la humectación de la piel, utilizando como ingrediente activo el aceite mineral. Adicionalmente, mantiene el cabello peinado y brillante durante todo el día.

Aceite Aguacate 120ml
Und. x caja 120
Und. x paq. 12

Aceite Bergamota 120ml
Und. x caja 120
Und. x paq. 12

Aceite Aguacate 60ml
Und. x caja 192
Und. x paq. 12

Aceite Bergamota 60ml
Und. x caja 192
Und. x paq. 12
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A startup or start-up is started by individual founders entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
A startup or start-up is started by individual founders entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
A startup or start-up is started by individual founders entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.